Don’t F with FAB!

The City of Somerville, known for its high concentration of artists per capita, in 2019 created a Fabrication District to protect current arts buildings & to de-incentivize redevelopment expansion. It also created its ACE (arts & creative enterprise) “set aside,” where new development, in certain zones, must put 5% of their development aside for ACE use.

The problem: There’s zoning change petitions put forth by both developers & the city that would impact the amount of Fabrication District property. After decades of arts displacement in the region, we can’t lose any more.

The advocacy: The #ARTSTAYSHERE Coalition, in partnership with Someville artists/residents created the Don’t F with FAB! arts advocacy campaign to educate artists & supporters about the Fabrication District, ACE uses, potential zoning changes & impacts. The campaign’s goals are to activate the arts sector to engage in the community process & stand up for the need for more, affordable, longterm arts space.

Visit the Don’t F with FAB! Website here to learn more.

Hear the Culture Crisis Conversations podcast on Somerville’s Fabrication District here.

Watch the video on Somerville’s Fabrication DIstrict & its value to the arts economy here.

How you can help: Please sign the online petition, record a video testimonial & write letters to City Council. Check out the campaign tool kit here.

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